Cathedral Organ

History Pre restoration chancel - Done.PNG

The cathedral is home to a fine pipe-organ, magnificently reconstructed in 2006 by Trevor Crowe Ltd. Based around the best surviving material from a much altered instrument built in 1853 by Bevington, the organ is a three manual, mechanical action instrument of 47 speaking stops. It is widely considered one of the finest organs in the country. Amongst many other high-profile projects, Trevor Crowe Ltd is responsible for the fine organs in St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork (now the largest organ in Ireland), Galway Cathedral, Dromore Cathedral and a phased reconstruction of the Willis organ in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. A renowned voicer, Trevor Crowe completed the specialist reed-voicing work for the new early English style organ built by William Drake for the OBE chapel at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. In addition to its use at parish and diocesan service, the organ is regularly used for concerts.

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